My rating: 1 of 5 stars
From the get go you can feel the theme of "forgiveness" being stuffed down the main characters through with increasingly less subtlety. You only have one father and you need to make good with him, Blah...blah...blah. Naturally his new wife is super nice and her dad babbles on about how he missed her and keeps photos of their old home to remind him of her, her mother has met someone new and is happy. Blah. Blah. All of this is irrelevant to the real matter at hand, if you create a life and dedicate upteen years to raising this child and then you just up and abandon them to live on a different continent on the other side of an ocean.... you SUCK!! Period. Yet, not a single person in this novel seems to grasp that this behavior on part of a parent is irresponsible and unacceptable, they actually seem to hoist judgment onto the young girl for not forgiving her father. Children should not be told to be the bigger person compared to their unreliable parent. Maybe the father should have stuck around for the few years left before his daughter graduated high school and been a real father. I mean he didn't just leave his wife, or even just move to another city/state he freaking move TO ENGLAND!! **whoosa** And now, for the sake of full honesty I finally slammed this book shut with about an 1/8 of the story left. I was just entirely way too infuriated with the premise. There's a chance that this story redeems itself in that last bit but I would be genuinely shocked if that happened.
I would definitely give this author another chance since my discontent with this novel is obviously very entwined with the specifics of the plot but I just couldn't get on board with so much going on here.
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